Thursday, November 26, 2009

10 Ways You Can Participate

  1. Purchase your own copy in advance and share in the profits (if you so choose).
  2. Purchase a quantity of 500 copies or more of Build Your Own One Person Million-Dollar Advice Empire for your company or professional association before publication to save a pile of money. (Or purchase a license to produce 10,000 or more copies at a much lower rate per book.)
  3. Organize a small group, live seminar of 10 or more people. See online classes I've developed.
  4. Attend the one-time, online classes I hold to push myself to write specific chapters.
  5. Become a corporate sponsor and have your logo/photo and contact info inside or on the cover of the book, on the blog or on my web site.
  6. Invite me to speak to your professional association or business network so I can test parts of the book before publication.
  7. Send me your story relevant to each chapter for inclusion in the book.
  8. Donate any amount that feels good to you. (If I ask, I might receive.)
  9. Buy some of my other books.
  10. Buy an excerpt from the book for your national publication.
I'll be adding links to this post as soon as I have the pertinent pages posted.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

20 Steps to Having a Speaker Agent Represent You

To crowdfund the writing of one of the sections in my book, Build Your Own, One-Person Advice Empire, I'm holding and teaching an original online class, 20 Steps to Having a Speaker Agent Represent You. It starts Saturday, November 28, and if you register you will receive 20 "lessons" over 10 days in your inbox. This is not an autoresponder course; I send out each email manually, myself.

I will be sharing with you what it will take for you to be the kind of speaker that agents like me want to represent. (FYI, I turn away 99.9% of speakers who contact me because they are not-ready-for-prime-time.) My 20 steps will make you so desirable as a speaker that speaker agents and bureaus will be clamoring to represent you, and you'll be able to command much larger fees for all your work. Mind you, these 20 steps aren't instant, but they require very little if any money. In fact I'll show you what I did to get paid while I progressed toward representation-readiness.

Don't worry if you can't be at your computer at specific times. You don't even have to show up or participate; the lessons will show up in your email inbox, twice a day for ten days. You will have all the information in your possession to read at your leisure, which could be weeks or months from now. There are no telephone numbers to call - it's not a teleseminar or webinar - and you don't have to participate if you don't want to... although it would be beneficial to participate and collaborate with other speakers.

You will have an additional 5 days to email me any questions you want answered and you also will have a free 15 minute private phone consult - $75 value - with me to ask any additional questions that you don't want your "classmates" to hear. If 35 people register by Friday, there will be some book giveaways.

Your investment for all of this is $20, which works out to $1 per step. To join, please complete this registration form, and prepay your class fee, here:

Only I will see your responses, nobody else.  I hope you will join me.


Monday, November 23, 2009

Royalties for early buyers

One part of my plan is to sell "shares" in the book which entitles shareholders to receive "royalties" from future book sales. (I've done this before, successfully.)  Each share (unit) would entitle the owner to not only a percentage of the profits (48% collectively), but also inclusion/promotion inside the book and on the blog site as a patron.. and yes, a copy of the book before the general public receives it. Conceivably a unit holder like you could receive back all of his/her very affordable investment, over time. Plus, the amount of your investment won't be as much as the final price of the post-publication book.

Let's say there are 5,000 units available (arbitrary number) and I decide to keep 2600 of them for myself. That means 2400 units would be available for sale to anyone on the planet. I'd like to sell all these by December 31, 2009 so that I can start writing on January 1, 2010 with no distractions.

At this moment I'm thinking of making each unit $29. If I sell the book in late 2010 for $49, you've saved $20. This number isn't final. I could raise or lower it.... I need to do more thinking and number- crunching. I could sell the final book for far more or less, and offer two versions: electronic (PDF) and print version. I may limit the number of copies I produce to make the book a Limited Edition and thus, more valuable.

Stay tuned for more on this subject, more ways you can benefit financially from this project, and more ways you can participate in this book project that don't require an investment. And of course, I'll tell you more about the content of my how-to book, Build Your Own, One-Person Advice Empire.


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Be a part of my book project

I'm raising funds so I can keep the bills paid as I write, publish, promote and sell my next book, Build Your Own, One-Person Advice Empire. I'd love for you to be part of the experience in some way and there will be benefits to you which will be posted here in due time. This is a crowd funding project which means that as a team we will be producing this book, although I will be doing most of the work. In addition to funding - I have a variety of ideas for that - I'm going to need ideas, suggestions, inspiration, encouragement and emotional support from you on bad days. (And there will be some.)

I'll reveal more in the coming days... I intend to post once a day, maybe more often.

Andrea Reynolds