Friday, December 4, 2009

Units are now available

I'm offering 2400 units of a total of 5000 units in my future book, Build Your Own, One-Person Advice Empire.  (This is a small niche book - I've learned that most people don't want to generate sales of a million or more a year, honest -  so a sale of more than 10,000 copies is not expected.)

Near the end of 2010 I will be selling the completed book as a digital book for $49. The price of each unit before December 31, 2009 is $29.  Buy now and save $20! After Dec. 31 and up to 30 days before the book is released the price will be $39 per copy.

If all 2400 units are sold, the pre-publication income will be $69,600 minus PayPal's transaction fees ($3500).

Each unit (maximum: 2400 units) will be entitled to a per cent of profits of books sold beyond the first 2400 copies. Profits means after specific expenses - book cover design, editing and proofreading fees, bank fees, etc. - are paid; and I may donate 10% of the profits to charity off the top... if unit-holders are in agreement. If there were no expenses - but there will be - each unit would be entitled to $.0098 of each book sold beyond the first 2400 copies.

If 3,000 additional books are sold, each early buyer would receive $29.40. This isn't a realistic figure - this is just a simple example - but it shows you that under certain circumstances each unit-holder (early buyer) before December 31, 2009 would have received back slightly more than the pre-publication price from book sales. Thus your initial investment would be returned in full with the sales of 3,000 additional copies sold... and, of course, you keep the book.

But there will be expenses which I can't calculate this early, so the number of copies that must be sold to ensure the return of your investment in full will necessarily be more than 3,000, which should be a reasonably easy goal to achieve.

Three more benefits of being an early buyer of my book beyond the likelihood of having "royalties" on book sales are visibility and promotion:
1. Your name will be listed in the front of every book as a patron.
2. Your name and web address will be listed on my web site under Patrons.
3. Your name and web address will be listed on this blog as Patrons.

If you're ready to invest in my book, please use this registration/payment form.  You will receive a printable certificate for your files or wall.

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